Our Story

Our Story



Where do we start? Well I suppose with the reason why we exist...

It’s simply really, we love our dogs (which also happen to be our chief tasters and brand ambassadors) Ede & Roxie.


The idea behind setting up Ede & Roxie originally stems from trying to decide what to feed them when they were puppies, although there is plenty of choice in the market we found it difficult to identify one that we thought would be nutritious and tasty as well as being clear with exactly what you are feeding you pet, so we resorted to cooking chicken and rice on a daily basis.


Although it’s a nice thought cooking food for your dog every day, sometimes it’s simply not practical – so we thought, why don’t we do it? Why don’t we provide a food that has a no-nonsense approach and simple to understand?


So we did! And created Ede & Roxie, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional quality, tasty, well balanced food for your dog, as the chances are you love your woofy little chap or chapess as much as we love Ede & Roxie.


We hope you love Ede & Roxie foods as much as we do!
Will, Alex, Ede & Roxie